The Phoenix Area Quilters Association was formed in 1995.  Our goal is to share our love of quilting with others by providing educational opportunities such as guest speakers, classes and workshops.  In addition, we offer numerous retreats throughout the year and a quilt show every 2 years.  We also have many social groups such as a Machine Embroidery group, Sit and Sews and Sip and Sews.  See our calendar for more details.


General Monthly Meeting - Crafty Chicka

General Monthly Meeting – Crafty Chicka

April 3, 2025    
6:15 pm – 9:00 pm
Join us for fun at our regular monthly meeting.  The doors open at 6:15 and the meeting starts at 6:45.   Our speaker is The […]


Learn how to print your own designs onto fabrics to use in your textile artworks.  Take your art to the next level using original surface designed fabrics.

Supplies: All supplies are included in the cost.  You take home all your papers & fabrics.

Note: Wear art clothes or bring an apron.

Spend the first part of the class learning the basics of Gel Printing on small papers.  Once you have Mimi’s easy process down, we will print on fabrics.

Bring any of your own fabrics to play with also.  Then take home all your beautiful fabrics to use in your art projects.

Sign up starts October 25th for members and December 25th for non-members.

Member Price $110   Guest Price $125 (opens Dec 25th to guests)

Event will be held at Faith United Methodist Church

TICKET INFO (includes all supplies):

To purchase your ticket, go here

  • Tickets for Members $110
  • Tickets for Guests $125.
Sewing Room

Are you interested in attending an upcoming class. Click the button above to sign up!!!

Jimmys block

We have active challenges that you will want to join!  

PAQA has multiple retreats every year.  Some in town and some out of town.  Come join the fun!

PAQA currently has the following social groups:  Sit ‘N Sew, Sip ‘N Sew, and Machine Embroidery,  Meeting dates/times are posted on the Calendar.

Our fundraising team has planned a fabric sale for February 2025! More details to come.

Our Meeting Location:

Faith United Methodist Church
8640 N 19th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85021

The 2024 Quiltapalooza was held in March.  Out next show is scheduled for 2026.

PAQA donates hundreds of quilts every year.  Aid to Adoption of Special Kids (AASK) is our primary charity.  Our members also donate to Project Linus, Quilts of Valor and Veteran Women and Babies to name a few.  We make eyeglass cases for Banner Thunderbird surgery center.  In 2023-2024 we donated over 2,000 eyeglass cases for patients to use.

Ready to Become a Member?

If you are a quilter in the Phoenix area, feel free to stop by one of our meetings and see what you think.  Guests are welcome to visit meetings/events twice before becoming a member..  Our annual membership fee is currently $30.00 and runs from July 1st thru June 30th.  We do not pro-rate dues. We offer a youth membership for $10, for children 8 to 18.  Any youth member under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.  Children under 8 years old are not allowed at meetings or events.

We strive to keep everyone comfortable and safe, so please no scents and no peanuts or peanut products.  

To join – click on the Join/Renew tab at the top of this page!!!